During the plan stage of this project I was mostly thinking about the pictures I would like to use for each trait. I made a word document with all the traits of the IB Learner Profile and wrote next to each one what I would like the picture to show. It was difficult thinking about what pictures I could capture and if they would show the traits clearly enough. I kept in mind that these pictures had to give of the same meaning to everyone in the ISU community. During the design stage I mostly experimented with different things on Photoshop. I liked the idea of big squares of color in the background so I made a black rectangle on the left of the poster and put the name of the trait on top. I had written the name going downwards but after getting some feedback I decided it would be easier to read if the writing was sideways like on the spine of books. At first I made one template of how I wanted my posters to be like, and then I took that template and just changed the name of the IB learner profile trait and picture. I also changed the colors of the text and other items on the template so they look like the dominant colors of the photo.
Planning helped me a lot when creating the actual posters because while making them I knew exactly what I wanted. I didn’t want to have extra writing describing the trait because I thought that would only be effective for the people who can read and not the very young children. Also when taking the pictures for the posters I knew exactly what I wanted and didn’t have to worry about how each picture should look like. While taking pictures I also saw people doing things that would be great for the posters and just took the pictures even though I hadn’t planned to in the very beginning. While creating my poster I learned more functions on Adobe- Photoshop and became even more fluent at using the tools.
Some improvements I could have made to my posters were to add a few more words describing the trait because that way if would give people a better understanding. Maybe the younger kids wouldn’t understand but the older people would. Also the font for the part that says “ISU” on my poster is slightly hard to read because it’s written in cursive. Not everyone can read cursive and the I looks slightly like a T so maybe I should have changed the font. My partner and I decided to do half of the posters each but in our own style. I think this wasn’t a very good idea because if half of the posters are different from the other half it will look like they are not a whole group of posters but two different groups.
For students who do this in the future I suggest they make a clear design of what they want their poster to look like before designing it on Photoshop. This way they will know exactly what they want and creating it on Photoshop will be much faster.